Q. I was issued a traffic ticket but lost the ticket or the envelope. Can I pay the fine directly to the police department or to the local court house?
A. No. All traffic ticket fines are to be paid directly to the Violations Bureau. To contact them for more information about paying a ticket or receiving a court date for a contested ticket, please call: 207-783-5422. If you lost your envelope, mail the response or fine to: Violations Bureau, P.O. Box 480, Lewiston, ME 04243-0480.
Traffic tickets can also be paid via credit card at the following two sources: http://www.paytixx.com
or over the phone at
1-866-PAY-TIXX (729-8499).
Also check this link for more information about Traffic Court and the Traffic Violations FAQ.
Q. Is it illegal to smoke in a vehicle with a child in it?
A. Yes. Effective September 1, 2008 the State of Maine has enacted a law that prohibits smoking in vehicles where a passenger under 16 years of age is present. Warnings must be given until August 31, 2009. It is a $50.00 traffic violation beginning September 1, 2009. This would count as a non-moving violation on your license if convicted.
Q. My vehicle was towed by the police; where do I pick it up?
A. Contact us and we will give you the name and number to the wrecker service who towed it.
Q. How do I obtain a copy of a Police Report?
A. For accident reports, for your convenience call before you come in and ask if the report has been completed and approved. Once the accident report is approved it can be released. There is a $15 fee for the report( first 3 pages and $1.00 for each additional page).
For a criminal or other type of report, you need to fill out a Request for Information form. Information is within that link about what can and can not be released.
Q. I need to have fingerprints taken; can you help me with that?
A. Yes, just come to the police station and make sure you have proper identification, such as a Maine Drivers License, and the fingerprint cards supplied by the organization requesting the prints. There will be a $10 charge per person for fingerprinting.
Q. I have locked my keys in my vehicle; can the Police Department assist me?
A. In most circumstances, no. Unless it is an emergency, such as a child or animal locked in the vehicle. In that circumstance we would dispatch a Fire Department unit to unlock the vehicle, and they charge a $30 fee. In all other incidents, we would assist you in finding a locksmith.
Q. How do I obtain a Protection Order?
A. Protection Orders can be obtained through Houlton District Court located at 26 Court St. in Houlton, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. The phone number for the courthouse is 207-532-6564.
Q. When should I use “911”?
A. 911 is an emergency line which should be used in life-threatening or urgent situations which require the immediate presence of law enforcement, medical or fire personnel. For all other situations, please call the non emergency number at 532-2287.
Q. I was told my complaint was “civil” and I would have to handle it through Small Claims Court. How do I get more information about that process?
A. Visit the State of Maine’s website and review their “Consumer’s Guide to Small Claims Court”
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